We are extremely happy to announce that today Alion Ltd behind JOLIER brand is 10 years old! We wish to thank all our customers, supporters and partners for these 10 amazing years! Besides navigating through the somewhat turbulent startup environment, we have witnessed phenomenas that have strengthened JOLIER. -There’s been good and challenging economical times that have had direct influence to the company while at the same time we’ve been able to put a major amount of effort into design, manufacturing ramp up, brandling and company scale up. Finding balance on all aspects has been really the key here. We’ve witnessed the fast- and online fashion booming and at the same time a rising trend toward responsible fashion for tomorrow. However, in fashion as in other industries, major changes in a global scale are possible only through legislation, that is slow because legislation changes occur only when enough people is supporting the new legislation. At all times, JOLIER and the people around the brand have amazed us! Building a new clothing brand has not always been easy. However there’s always been something positive, out from the blue, that has pushed us and the brand forward 🎀 JOLIER is not just another clothing brand but rather a mindset, that aims at changing how people think about fashion. We are not in a hurry and continue on our endevour that we’ve been striving for the past 10 years. We are only in the beginning. Thank you for supporting us! ❤ Jukka Planman, Alion Ltd – Chairman
JOLIER 10 years!
14 Mar 2018 at 10:20